Activism for Equality

“As a health care specialist, I would like to address my colleagues about sensitive issues such as health and rights of LGBT people. Since 1974, homosexuality has been removed from the list of diseases by the American Psychiatric Association and in the 70-80s, almost all international organizations working on mental health, including World Health Organization, …

“I teach at University and periodically visit various cities. Lately I’ve been actively trying to build my work around doing that. I speak about what interests me the most and my education in relation to feminism and sexuality and connecting those to history, I think, is important. I try to speak from that angle to …

“I’m Vatie, a member of Geogian Young Greens. Apart from Green issues I am involved in queer activism, feminism is also one of my passions. The reason I became an activist is that in my early years when I was feeling completely alone, didn’t know who I could ask for help, didn’t know what to …