Spar Employee Trans Woman Physically Assaulted at Her Workplace

In January 2020, transgender woman reported to the Equality Movement that she was verbally and physically abused by a consumer, a stranger man, in her workplace, in a supermarket chain Spar.

According to the victim, a customer when entered in the supermarket made a transphobic comment about his gender self-expression, the accused verbally abused and then physically assaulted her.

Transgender woman appealed to the police, the investigation began. After the involvement of the lawyers of the Equality Movement in the case, the victim was identified and arrested under the Article 126 of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which means violence against another person.

The police define the motive of hatred in this case. The Equality Movement protects the interests of the victim.

It is noteworthy that a transgender woman was forced to quit her job after this incident (in addition to the extraordinarily difficult working conditions) in Spar, where there is no protection in such cases.

If your rights are violated, the Equality Movement is ready to provide you with free legal assistance!